Refund Policy

Refund Policy

You’re eligible for a refund within 30 days if you’re dissatisfied with your purchase due to an error on the bookseller’s part or if the book doesn’t arrive.

Incorrect Book/Not as Described/Damaged

You’re eligible for a full refund of the purchase price, including original shipping costs, if your return is the result of an error on the bookseller’s part. If you receive the incorrect book or if it arrives damaged, you’ll also be refunded return shipping equal to the original charge. To receive a refund, you must return your item directly to the bookseller within 30 days of the estimated delivery date and in the same condition you received it in.

For books returned as ‘Not as described,’ return shipping amounts are refunded at the bookseller’s discretion. If the seller disagrees, only the book price and original shipping will be refunded. AbeBooks will not refund shipping amounts on behalf of a seller in the event of a dispute.

Book Did Not Arrive

You’re eligible for a full refund of the purchase price, including shipping costs, if your book hasn’t arrived as of the Estimated Delivery Date, up until 30 days past. If the bookseller provides tracking information indicating the book has arrived, the refund request is void. A refund request for the reason ‘item did not arrive’ will automatically complete 7 days after the refund request is initiated through your AbeBooks account.

In cases where the book is returned to the bookseller for any of the following reasons, the refund includes the book price only: incomplete address, unclaimed, returned to sender, or similar.

Buyer Does Not Want Item

The majority of our booksellers are happy to accept returns if you’ve changed your mind about a book. We recommend contacting the bookseller directly before initiating these returns, as otherwise the return may be cancelled.

For orders placed on, the bookseller is not required to accept a return and may choose to cancel your return request if it’s against their store policy. If the bookseller chooses to reject your return request, you will receive a cancellation notice by email within 2 days. The return is considered to be accepted if not cancelled within 2 days. For these returns, if the book is returned in the same condition as you received it in, you’ll be refunded the price of the book (not including original or return shipping charges).

Partial Refunds

If you are dissatisfied with your purchase for any reason but still wish to keep the book, you can negotiate a partial refund with the bookseller for an amount that is agreeable to both parties. Partial refunds can be issued on the book price, the shipping amount, or both. Please note that while you may request a partial refund, the bookseller is not obligated to provide one and, depending on your reason for the request, they may prefer that you return the book for a full refund instead.

Return shipping is calculated as equal to original shipping cost and when refundable, is added to the refund upon return receipt of the book by the seller. Return shipping labels are not provided.

Your refund will be processed to your credit card once the bookseller receives the book back. We recommend that you use a trackable method of shipment; if the book doesn’t arrive and tracking isn’t provided, the refund will be cancelled.

Once a return/refund request has been cancelled, you cannot submit another return/refund request.